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Competition Marches
All Composers
3rd & 4th parts by John Dew
A. Anderson
A. Copeland
A. Ferguson
A. Gray
A. MacDonald
A. MacKellar
A. MacLennan
A. MacLeod
A. MacNeill
A. Ross
A. Williams
A.C. MacPherson
A.G. Kenneth
A.H.R. Davidson
A.M. Lee
A.M. Ross
Adam Quinn
Ailean Nicholson
Airdrie Stewart
Alan Armitage
Alan M. Calder
Albert Copeland
Alec Findlater
Alex Gandy
Alex MacIver
Alex McNeill
Alexander Campbell
Alexander MacLeod
Alexander T. Cameron
Alexandra Skelly
Ali M. Levack
Alistair Bevan
Allan Beaton
Allan MacDonald
Andrew McDonald
Andrew Worrall
Angus Cameron
Angus Campbell
Angus J. MacDowell
Angus Lawrie
Angus MacKay
Angus MacKenzie
Angus MacPhail
Angus MacPherson
Angus McPherson
Anita Bentley
Ann Gray
Anny He
Archibald Cameron
Archibald Campbell
Archibald MacNeill
Arthur Gillies
Bill Livingstone
Bob Worrall
Brian Kelly
Brian Reese
Bruce Gandy
Bruce McCann
Bruce Seton
Byrne O'Sullivan
C. Duff
C. Hunter
C. MacPherson
Callum Beaumont
Callum Wynd
Calum MacCrimmon
Campbell MacPherson
Campbell Naismith
Capt. Andrew Pitkeathly
Capt. Charles Smith
Capt. Ian C. Cameron
Capt. Ian C.Cameron
Capt. John A. MacLellan
Carsten Bruun Rosbaek
Cecil L. Tee
Charles MacTaggart
Charlie Glendinning
Charlle Glendinning
Chis Hamilton
Chris Armstrong
Chris Hamilton
Ciaren Ross
Colin Gemmell & Alex MacIntyre
Colin MacKenzie
Colin Magee
Craig Brown
Craig Meinsmith and David Philip
Cuthbert C. Selby
D. Bowman
D. Galbraith
D. Grant
D. MacKenzie
D. MacLennan
D. MacMillan
D. MacNicol
D. McNair
D. Siegel
D. Tyrone Heade
D.A. Campbell
D.C. Mather
D.M. Walker
D.P. Brodie
D/M Robert Bruce
Dan Hugh MacEachern
Daniel Ross
Dave Westie
David Cunningham
David H.A. Kemble
Donald Cameron
Donald Campbell
Donald E. MacPherson
Donald Galbraith
Donald MacFarlane
Donald MacKillop
Donald MacKinnon
Donald MacLean
Donald MacNiven
Donald MacPhee
Donald MacPherson
Donald Morrison
Donald P. Sargent
Donald R. Riddell
Donald Renwick
Donald W. Watts
Doug Yates
Douglas A. Will
Dr. Angus MacDonald
Dr. Bruce E. Thomson
Dr. Charles Bannatyne
Dr. J.A. Fisher
Dr. John MacInnes
Dugald C. MacLeod
Duncan Cameron
Duncan Campbell
Duncan Ferguson
Duncan Johnstone
Duncan MacGillivray
E.B. Debevec
Edward Mullin
Eric Campbell
Eric E. Evenhius
Eric E. Evenhuis
F. Ritchie
F.A. Sterling
Fred Morrison
Freeland Barbour
Geordie Robertson
George Allen
George Bell
George Duncan
George Gow
George Grant
George Johnson
George M. Bell
George M. MacIntyre
George M. McIntyre
George MacLeod
George S. McLennan
Gordon Sinclair
Graeme MacKenzie
Graham Davidson
Graham Neill
H. MacDonald
Hamilton M. Workman
Harry B. Murray
Harry Stevenson
Hector MacDonald
Hector MacLeod
Henderson Taylor
Hugh Campbell
Hugh MacKay
Hugh MacPherson
Hugh McCullough
Iain Bell
Iain MacCrimmon
Iain MacDonald
Iain MacDonald Glenuig
Iain MacHarg
Iain MacHarg & Sean Somers
Iain MacPherson
Ian C. Cameron
Ian Chricton
Ian Duncan
Ian MacFarlane
Isla Jane Stout
J. Allan MacGee
J. Decker Forrest
J. Galloway
J. Gillian
J. Gordon
J. Hutten
J. MacInnes
J. MacKay
J. MacKillop
J. MacMillan
J. Manson
J. Scott Skinner
J. Sutherland
J. Wotherspoon
J.D. Ross Watt
J.G. MacGregor
J.J. Connan
J.M. Beu
J.M. Miller
J.W. MacMillan
Jack Lee
Jackie Pincet
James A. Center
James A. Dobbie
James Barrie
James Center
James Haugh
James Honeyman
James Jeffray
James MacLean
James Manson
James Mauchline
James McBean
James McColl
James McIntosh MBE
James McWilliams
James Paterson
James R. Riddell
James Sutherland
James Wark
James Watt
James Wilkie
James Y. Robertson
Jean E. Marr
Jim McGillivray
Jim Ritchie
Jim Stout
Jimmie Ritchie
Jimmy Shand
John Balloch
John Connon
John D. Burgess
John Dally
John Dew
John Don MacKenzie
John E. Partanen
John Fitt
John Gillis
John Glen
John Grant
John Haynes
John Henderson
John Lee
John Lumsden
John M. Allan
John MacColl
John MacDonald
John MacDonald, Inverness
John MacDougall Gillies
John MacKay
John MacKay, Halladale
John MacKenzie
John MacLean
John MacLellan
John MacLellan Dunoon
John MacLellan, Dunoon
John MacNab
John Matheson
John McDonald
John McEwen
John Mowat
John Mulhearn
John Murray
John P. Dugald
John Recknagel
John Rennie
John Renwick
John Stewart
John W. Scott
John W. Sutherland
John Wallace
John Wilson
Josien Teerlink
K.G. Roe
K.M. Cameron
Karen Campbell
Karl Wallner
Keith Bowes
Ken Eller
Kenneth I. MacKenzie
Kenneth MacDonald
Kenneth McKenzie
Kenton Adler
Kevin Underwood
Kim Smith-Jones
Kyle Rothschild-Mancinelli
Lewis Turrell
Liam Harding
Liam Thompson
Lou Lanaro
M. Brown
M. MacKinnon
M.R. MacPherson
MacKenzie J. Fraser
Major A.M. Cairns
Major E.T. Moss
Major Gavin Stoddart MBE BEM
Malcolm Jones
Malcolm R. MacCimmon
Malin Lewis
Mark J. Stewart
Mark Sutherland
Matthew Welch
Maurice Forsyth
Michael Grey
Morgan Tabuteau
Mrs. J. Cameron
Murdo MacKenzie
Murdo McKenzie
N. MacPherson
N.A. MacNeill
N.L. MacCormick
Nathan Mitchell
Neil Angus MacDonald
Neil Dickie
Neil MacCormick
Neil Sutherland
Niall Matheson
Norman MacDonald
Owen Reid
P/M A. Calder
P/M A.A. Sim
P/M A.E. Reese
P/M A.J. Dippie, BEM
P/M A.M. Findlay
P/M A.R. MacLeod
P/M A.R. McLeod
P/M Alex Calder
P/M Alex Hosie
P/M Alex MacIver
P/M Alexander Grey
P/M Alexander MacDonald
P/M Alexander MacLennan
P/M Andrew Kirk
P/M Andrew Venters
P/M Angus MacDonald MBE
P/M Angus MacDonald, MBE
P/M Bert Barron, BEM
P/M Brian Donaldson
P/M Brian MacRae
P/M Brown
P/M Bruce Campbell
P/M Charles Turnbull
P/M Chris Hossack
P/M D. MacDougall
P/M D. MacKenzie
P/M D.B. Mathieson
P/M Dan MacIntyre
P/M David Barnes
P/M David Boyle
P/M David Cunningham
P/M Dennis Wilson
P/M Donald MacKinnon
P/M Donald MacLean
P/M Donald MacLeod, Winnipeg
P/M Donald Shaw Ramsay
P/M E.J. MacPherson
P/M Edwin J. MacPherson
P/M Evan MacRae
P/M Ewan Gillies
P/M Fraser Holmes
P/M G.S. Allan
P/M Gail Brown
P/M George Allan
P/M George Cruickshank
P/M George Johnston
P/M George M. Bell
P/M George Stoddart, BEM
P/M H. Barrie
P/M H. McColl
P/M Hance Gates
P/M Hugh Fraser
P/M Hugh Taylor
P/M Ian Campbell
P/M J. A. Gordon
P/M J. Haywood
P/M J. Johnson
P/M J. MacCormack
P/M J. MacDonald
P/M J. Smith
P/M J. Steel
P/M J. Taylor
P/M J. Wright
P/M J.S. Roe
P/M Jack MacDonald
P/M Jackie Smith
P/M James B. Robertson
P/M James M. Banks
P/M James McGregor
P/M James Smith
P/M James Sutherland
P/M James Taylor
P/M John A. McDonald
P/M John Brown
P/M John Cameron
P/M John Grant
P/M John J. Reay
P/M John M. MacKenzie
P/M John MacDonald
P/M John Slattery
P/M John Taylor
P/M K.G. Roe
P/M L. Collie
P/M MacDonald
P/M MacRae
P/M McConnacher
P/M N. McCutcheon
P/M Neil Ramsay
P/M Neil Sutherland
P/M Norman Gillies
P/M Ozzie Reid
P/M P. Selwood
P/M P.C. MacKenzie
P/M Paul Harrison
P/M Peter C. McCallum
P/M Peter M. Hewlett
P/M Peter R. MacLeod
P/M R. Haliday
P/M R. MacLean
P/M R. Meldrum
P/M Robert Mathieson
P/M Robert Meldrum
P/M Robert Menzies
P/M Robert Reid
P/M Robert U. Brown
P/M Ronald Lawrie
P/M Ross McCrindle
P/M Ross Watt
P/M Samuel Scott
P/M Sandy Jones
P/M Sandy Keith
P/M Sutherland
P/M W. Cowie
P/M W. Mann
P/M W. Walker
P/M William Fergusson
P/M William Gilmour
P/M William Hepburn
P/M William Lawrie
P/M William MacColl
P/M William MacLean
P/M William MacLeod
P/M William Mann
P/M William Reid
P/M William Robb
P/M William Ross
P/M William Shaw
P/M William Taylor
P/M Y. Gilbert
Paul S Cranford
Paul Spencer
Peter Anderson
Peter Aumonier
Peter MacLeod Jr.
Peter R. MacLeod
Phil Cunningham
R. Ancell
R. Crabb
R. Grant
R. Ireland
R. Porteous
R.B MacRae
R.B. Clark
R.S. MacDonald
Raymond Barbour
Reay S. Mackay
Rene Cusson
Robert Campbell
Robert Current
Robert G. Cameron
Robert MacNeil
Robert Nicol
Rod MacKay
Roddy MacKay
Roddy MacLeod MBE
Roderick Campbell
Ron Fleming
Ronald I. MacLean
Rory Campbell
Russell Campbell
Sadie Wilson
Scott Garden
Scott MacAulay
Scott Wallace
Scott Williams
Sean Moloney
Sean Somers
Seumas Coyne
Shane Stewart
Simon McKerrell
Steve Raymer
Steven Knox
Stuart D. Samson, MBE
Sue Muir
T. Currie
T. Hermiston
Tadgh Crowley
Thomas Douglas
Thomas Kerkhoff
Thomas Leigh & Iain MacHarg
Thomas P. MacGloin
Thomas Stone
Tom MacAllister
Tom Muirhead
Tom Speirs
W. Grant
W. Henderson
W. Rose
W. Ross
W.G. Meldrum
W.S. Roberts
William Barrie
William Boyle
William Bryson
William D. Dumbreck
William Dumbreck
William Fergusson
William Gow
William Grant
William J. Watt
William Lawrie
William Livingstone, Sr.
William M. MacDonald
William MacDonald
William MacDonald, Benbecula
William MacKay
William MacKinnon
William MacLean
William MacLeod
William McKinlay
William Murray
William Purves
William Robb
William Ross
William Sinclair
Willie McCallum Jnr
Willilam M. MacDonald
Clear Search
Subach Dealer
Type: Competition Marches | Composed by: Unknown
Sue MacIntyre’s Farewell to Daily Piping School
Type: Competition Marches | Composed by: Angus Lawrie
Superintendent Iain G. Millington
Type: Competition Marches | Composed by: James A. Dobbie
Superintendent R.D. Cardwell, R.U.C.
Type: Competition Marches | Composed by: A. Copeland
Superintendent R.D. Cardwell, RUC
Type: Competition Marches | Composed by: Albert Copeland
Surprise Wedding
Type: Competition Marches | Composed by: Robert G. Cameron
Sutherland Highlanders
Type: Competition Marches | Composed by: J. Scott Skinner
Swallow’s Tail
Type: Competition Marches | Composed by: Unknown
Swindler’s of the Sea
Type: Competition Marches | Composed by: Andrew Worrall
Syd Scott
Type: Competition Marches | Composed by: William Barrie
Syd Scott by Lewis Turrell
Type: Competition Marches | Composed by: Lewis Turrell
Taking of Beaumont Hamel
Type: Competition Marches | Composed by: John MacLellan, Dunoon
Tall Man from California
Type: Competition Marches | Composed by: John MacKay
Tam O’Shanter Games
Type: Competition Marches | Composed by: Robert G. Cameron
Tap of North
Type: Competition Marches | Composed by: William J. Watt
Tarbert Castle
Type: Competition Marches | Composed by: John MacLellan Dunoon
Tartan Banner
Type: Competition Marches | Composed by: P/M James B. Robertson
Tartan Sash
Type: Competition Marches | Composed by: Donald P. Sargent
Taylor Lake Road
Type: Competition Marches | Composed by: Andrew Worrall
Taymouth Castle
Type: Competition Marches | Composed by: Unknown
2/4 Marches (small)
12/8 Marches
Competition Marches
3/4 Marches
Small Strathspeys
Competition Strathspeys
4/4 Marches
Small Reels
Christmas Carols
Competition Reels
6/8 Marches
Slow Airs
9/8 Marches
All tunes are recorded by Jack Lee on the Great Highland Bagpipe.
Downloads include mp3, pdf and bmw files.
Total number of tunes available from our library – 10,000 including 300 Piobaireachds
All prices are in USD
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